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Social responsability - Amfori BSCI

Amfori BSCI

(Business Social Compliance Initiative)

As a company, Nordiq wants to show social responsibility - both in terms of our own employees - and towards our suppliers. We trade with suppliers in countries that have not always been known for good working conditions and environmental considerations.

It is a high priority for us to only deal with companies that have proper conditions for their employees and that take the environment into account. We do this, among other things, by trading with companies that are controlled and approved by Amfori BSCI.

Read more about Amfori BSCI:

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FN's Verdensmål

Verdensmålene for bæredygtig udvikling er 17 mål, der tilsammen skal sætte os på kurs mod en mere bæredygtig fremtid, hvor ingen lades i stikken. Amfori BSCI arbejder fokuseret med 10 af disse mål.
Læs mere her:

Amfori is a large, international, and reputable organization that monitors factories and businesses to ensure compliance with a wide range of standards. These include requirements related to working conditions, wages, discrimination, child and forced labor, corruption, environmental considerations, and much more.

Amfori's Code of Conduct:

  • The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
    No discrimination.
    Fair remuneration.
    Reasonable working hours.
    Occupational health and safety: Ensure a healthy work environment and safe living conditions. Vulnerable individuals such as young workers, new and expectant mothers must receive special protection.
    No child labor.
    Special protection for young workers.
    No precarious employment.
    No bonded labor.
    Protection of the environment.
    Ethical business behavior.

Amfori uses external and independent auditors who visit the participating factories and companies to assess all 11 points annually. These reports are made available to all members of Amfori. This helps Nordiq closely monitor that our suppliers consistently comply with the 11 points mentioned above.

By setting these requirements for our suppliers, Nordiq, as a buyer, hopes to contribute to creating better social, environmental, and economic benefits for everyone.

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